COACHING HEADERWelcome to Ilean Harris’s Coaching Program!

In order to best serve you, I need to you thoughtfully answer the following questions. Your coaching calls cannot begin until you fill out this form so please do so as soon as possible.

You’ll notice that this Questionnaire is different from others you may have seen before—it’s detailed, it’s thoughtful, and it’s built to help you think through your life both personally and professionally. It’s also built to help your coach, me, understand your world and assist you in moving forward faster.

Your Questionnaire will be kept confidential and never be shared or seen by anyone but me. The entire goal is to give you a little more clarity about where you are and where you want to go. You’ll also give me the insight I need to help you leap into a land of greater possibility and abundance.

There is a reason this form is ordered and structured the way it is. I start with your personal life and then move into your professional life. I ask that you simply trust the process and fill in the blanks. The magic will all come afterwards.

Believe me. Believe in yourself. Now let’s get to work.

I’m asking you to take a good hard look at yourself and set aside plenty of time to honestly and openly complete this Questionnaire. Trust me, it will help you.

(Please be sure to hit the “submit” button at the end of the form to ensure that I get your responses. If you do not see the button, simply hit the “tab” key on your computer so that you can move along to the next question until you see the “submit” button. If you have any problems with it please email

