One of the main perks of working from home is that you don’t have to stay home.
To be specific, I urge you to get out of the house and recharge your entrepreneurial batteries.
You know what I mean….
Get a little inspiration going by stepping outside of your comfort zone.
Let’s be real.
When I need a break I don’t always go to Paris. If you can go- run to Paris!
If you can’t get away yet then I recommend going to the beach for the day, spending an afternoon in a bookstore, or visiting your favorite bakery.
Sometimes just putting the phone on airplane mode and going out to buy a dozen fresh roses is enough of a getaway to help me clear my thoughts and refocus on the tasks at hand.
Here are some hints that you need a break:
- You keep revisiting the exact same problem over and over again without any hopes of finding a solution
- You just hit a major goal and feel too tired to hit a new goal/level
- People keep saying you look tired or asking why you are in a bad mood
- You find yourself working really hard and never taking a break
- You realize that you need a break and getting up to do laundry just isn’t cutting it
- You are in a creative funk and can’t seem to finish what you start
Side note: If you are always in a funk or struggling to get going, you might not need a break (I don’t want to reward consistent bad behavior).
Once in a blue moon, you just need to walk away to get more inspiration. But if you keep walking away, well… you are just procrastinating.
Potential solutions for a never-ending entrepreneurial funk:
- Coaching with someone who has achieved what you want and can guide you
- Reading a good book to help you solve your specific problem
- Buying an e-course to walk you through step-by-step so you avoid overwhelm and confusion
- Joining a group coaching program to find motivation and accountability from your peers
- Get an accountability partner to push you through your tough days
In our case, we needed a quick celebration for such an awesome tour.
After touring South Africa and training hundreds of entrepreneurs, my hubby and I needed a quick break.
That is why we stopped in Paris on our way back home.
Words can’t explain how amazing it is to suddenly be in such a beautiful place and know that we are not on vacation because this is our lifestyle.
We started our time there with fresh/hot croissants in the morning. Ugh! It was just so good!
Later we snuck in some touring to beautiful places like….
The Eiffel Tower:
Notre Dame Cathedral:
And explored the nearby neighborhoods/shops:
Isn’t it just beautiful??!
I must admit that I need to visit Paris for a lot longer but we were there long enough to recharge our batteries and get tons of inspiration before heading home to the states.
Now I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone somehow this week.
Go to a new restaurant or go to a new country.
Whatever you do, break your routine.
Because the truth is, you can have it all!
Never forget it.
Your favorite lady boss,