
Making sales in your sleep is not an urban legend. People do it all the time- including me.
It was pretty cool to see payment notifications when I woke this morning thanks to work I did over 2 years ago…..in my pajamas while drinking way too many mango milkshakes.

What can I say? Cuban online marketers know how to fuel up with awesome mango milkshakes 🙂

Needless to say, some people overcomplicate the idea. They assume that it is too technical or that it will take forever to accomplish.
I don’t blame them…Look at other industries where it’s harder to create passive residual income:

  • Real estate- to rent out properties you need major cash flow, property managers, legal teams, etc
  • Music- to write songs that are so good that they will play on the radio for years to come takes practice, major skills, big connections in the industry, and a splash of luck
  • Books- first of all good luck finishing the book, then hope that you sell millions around the world to reap the benefits of the pennies your publishing company will give you.

My strategy for passive residual income is much simpler and feasible.

It’s so easy to do, you can do it in your pajamas (just like an awesome lady boss I know).

The best way to make passive residual income is to turn your advice into an e-course. 

An e-course will generate sales over and over again for work you did once.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Make up your freakin’ mind already that you are going to succeed and add value to the world.
Seriously, how many success stories do you have to hear before you realize there is endless untapped potential in you to make it happen. People need your message. Stop hogging it to yourself!

Step 2: Create a free signature giveaway.
This can be a free webinar, ebook, checklist, video, etc. The idea is that you demonstrate that you can solve a problem for someone. **Be sure to integrate your free giveaway with an autoresponder like GetResponse so that you can build your email list and follow up with those awesome people who need you.**

Step 3: Create a digital information product. 
You can solve a problem and help others. The cool part is that they can work at their own pace, log in anytime from anywhere, and get the best information out there in a short period of time. Any expert in any industry can create an e-course.

Here are some topics in case you need an idea:
  • How to be more confident
  • How to become a (insert something you are good at)
  • How to homeschool
  • How to start an online business
  • How to become a coach
  • How to build a birdhouse (or anything else)
  • How to get media attention
  • How to do your make up
  • How to be more productive
  • How to decorate your house on a budget
  • How to start an online magazine
  • How to take fabulous pictures
  • How to dress like a boss
  • How to find your soulmate
  • How to buy a house
  • How to become debt-free
  • How to boost your credit score
  • How to (insert problem here)
  • Need more ideas? Contact me and tell me what you are passionate about. I’m sure I can help you brainstorm.

Step 4: Launch your digital information product.
Let the world know they can access the solutions you have offered. However, rather than chasing people down with your link to buy strategically launch so that they are excited to buy from you.

Step 5: Automate your systems.
You launched…it worked…people love it. Now let that happen over and over again~like a boss. Work you did once can now pay you over and over again without all the fuss.

How long does this typically take to accomplish?
With my help, you can start from scratch and complete all 5 of these steps in 90 days.
In other words, you can generate passive residual income in about 12 weeks with 4-5 hours of focused worked each week. That’s less than one hour a day!

Without my help….. it may take you years to put all the pieces together. What people miss sometimes is that it is just as important to know what to do as it is to know what NOT to do.
Without any support, you would be re-inventing the wheel and making all the mistakes that I could have spared you.

That’s why I’m stepping in to help.

I’m opening up my schedule to work one-on-one with lady bosses who want to have it all.

Finally, a one-on-one coaching program that will teach you both how to create & sell your products & services so that you can add value to your marketplace and make an income with your advice, training, and information, on any topic whatsoever, online.

Ladies who join my VIP Online Boss program can expect to walk away with:

-Your online business built. You will have the systems and structures in place to make as many sales as you wish while you travel the world.

-A webinar presentation that is so good, you will want to join your own programs (e-courses and/or coaching) and you will know how to sell without being salesy.
-The confidence that your business is built so that you can get back to doing what you love and spending time growing your business (rather than desperately trying to start it).

-Facebook Ad created for you so that you can benefit from my years of making sales online like a boss.
-Clarity on your brand and message so that you can attract the right clients and stand out online (even if you are brand new).

-Email copy & a sales page that is so good, you will get rid of the urge to convince others of how good your services are or of your spectacular value.

If you are ready to build a business that supports your ideal lifestyle and want to leverage my experience to get the results you want, click here now to apply for free.

You have two choices. 

You can work hard endlessly or you can work smart and efficiently.

You decide.

Check out what lady bosses have to say about working one-on-one with me:

“Working with Ilean has been the best. It’s as if she couldn’t give enough. I’m leaving with knowledge that would’ve taken me years to do on my own. I’m confident now.” ~Linda

“Ilean: I am truly, truly, glad I decided to enroll into your paid coaching session. I had all those ideas in my mind, but I didn’t know how or where to start. You helped me materialized my ideas into goals! Your approach to coaching was not just about professional, but you helped me make the best decisions and adopt the best approaches for my business. Your coaching style really helped me to go into the right direction! You listened to my questions, developed my online marketing plan and provided me with my “Lady Boss Strategy”- You guided me through all the steps needed to success and added value into my business! I value your insight and personal attention. Thanks for demonstrating me your expertise-like a boss!” ~Alexandra

“The professionalism, the care, and the patience that went into what Ilean did for me has been absolutely amazing. Ilean is the ultimate lady boss.” ~Kris

Imagine turning your ideas into a profitable business thanks to the support you will be getting from an award-winning coach.

No more confusion or stress.

Don’t wait any longer. Spaces will fill up fast.

Click here to apply now- your dream business awaits.

I look forward to speaking with you and helping you turn your ideas into a profitable business you love.