This post is all about new years resolutions.

Let’s go over the 5 tips for great new year’s resolutions that will help entrepreneurs, go-getters, & professionals set inspiring goals.

The first day of the year is a great time to set new goals for yourself, but it’s also easy to get overwhelmed and forget about them.

After working with coaching clients in over 20 countries and growing my email list to over 100,000 email subscribers, I am so excited to share with you today what works so you can achieve your goals too!

If you’re like me and want to make sure your New Years’ Resolution actually sticks this year, then I have some tips for you!

How to set new goals

To set new goals, think about what you want to accomplish and how much time it will take.

Be realistic about your ability to achieve these things in the time frame that you’ve chosen for yourself.

    • Write down the goals on paper (or use a digital platform). If you’re not sure where to start, try writing down three things that are important for your business or career—then take some time off from work and write a second list of five more things! You can do this as often as necessary until all of them have been crossed off one by one.
    • Set a specific date for when each goal should be completed by: “The end of next week,” “The end of next month,” etc., depending on how soon those tasks need finishing up before the end of the year rolls around again (and another year goes by!).

5 Tips For Great New Year’s Resolutions That Will Help Entrepreneurs, Go-Getters, & Professionals Set Inspiring Goals

1. Choose to focus on ONE thing

The first step in setting goals is to choose a single thing to focus on. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and try to do too much at once, but this will only make you feel like you’re failing the whole time.

Instead of thinking about how much work needs to be done or how many things need fixing, focus on just one thing—and then that one thing should become your goal.

So what should that goal be?

It depends on who you are and what areas of life have been most important for you thus far; maybe it’s writing more articles for your company blog or getting into shape for a sports tournament in July?

Whatever it is, figure out what would make YOU happy if everything else fell apart around you (and then stick with it).

2. Be specific with your goal

      • Be specific with your goal

There are a million different ways to make money as an entrepreneur, but what’s the first step?

Setting goals—specifically, annual goals.

If you’re just starting out, this can be difficult because it feels like there’s so much left to do and no idea where to start with it all!

But practicing this process will help keep things from getting overwhelming when times get tough (and they will). Here are some examples of how setting goals can be beneficial:

      • “I want my business to grow by 10% in 2023.” That’s an achievable goal. It might seem small now but remember that even small growth is good! The key here is being realistic and self-aware enough not only know where things stand but also understand what needs improvement—in other words: don’t try too hard or give up too soon because once something goes wrong with your business plan then everything else falls apart along with it…and again I’m talking about personal growth here…not just financial success which could happen at anytime regardless if everything else has been fixed correctly beforehand.”

Setting new year’s goals as an entrepreneur is a great way to stay focused and motivated throughout the year.

The key is to set realistic, achievable goals that are specific and measurable.

Start by setting an overarching goal for the year ahead, such as increasing sales by a certain percentage or launching a new product.

Then, break that goal down into smaller, more manageable goals that you can work on throughout the year.

For example, if your goal is to increase sales by 50%, you could set smaller goals such as developing a new marketing strategy, launching a new website, or conducting customer surveys.

Make sure that your goals are timely and have a deadline, so that you can measure your progress and stay on track.

Finally, don’t forget to reward yourself when you reach your goals – it will help keep you motivated and focused.

3. Set measurable goals, so you know when you’ve reached them

Measurable goals are good because they can be counted, tracked, or measured.

Measurable goals are also good because they are easier to track progress on, and easier to see if you are improving.

A measurable goal is something that can be measured: a number, time period or percentage. For example: “I will make $100,000 this year’s end” or “I aim for a 25% increase in sales this year” or “by next month I want my average order value (AOV) from last month to be at least 150% of what it was before January 1st”

4. Write down your goal in the present tense, as if you already have achieved it.

      • Write down your goal in the present tense, as if you already have achieved it.

This will help you to stay focused on what you want, and also keep track of your progress.

You’ll be able to measure your success and determine when it’s time for a new goal or objective!

5. Make the goal achievable and realistic for you at this time (if you don’t believe it’s possible, you won’t achieve it!)

If you’re still having trouble with your goal, it may be time to reassess. Is the goal achievable? If not, then why set one at all?

It’s easy for us entrepreneurs to get caught up in our own heads and think that we can do anything—that we’re special or that there aren’t any limits on what we can achieve.

We may even convince ourselves that we’ll be able to pull off any big idea we have! But sometimes this just isn’t true (or even possible).

So whether or not you believe it yourself, look back at some of your past successes and failures; how many times did things go well?

How many times did they end badly?

The answer will give insight into where in life things went wrong so that next time around they won’t fail again!

6. (BONUS TIP) Give your goal a time frame to make sure it doesn’t drag on forever, or have no end date!

Setting a goal is the first step to achieving it.

But if you don’t know when your goal will be achieved, how can you possibly know if it’s been achieved?

The problem with putting off making a plan is that it becomes harder and harder to keep track of deadlines.

It’s easy enough when there are just two or three things on your plate: “I’ll get around to that project now,” or “I’ll start that blog post sometime this week.”

But once those tasks become more complex—when there are ten different projects all competing for their own space in your life—the task list gets harder and harder to keep track of at any given moment (even if you’re keeping up with everything).

So instead of adding new items into this already-crowded bucket list each morning as they come up (which would make sense), why not work backwards?

Why not figure out what has already been done before deciding what needs doing next?

Figuring out how to set your New Years’ Goals is important, but remember that reaching them is what counts the most!

Figuring out how to set your New Years’ Goals is important, but remember that reaching them is what counts the most!

Remember, it’s not all about the destination.

It’s also about how you get there and what you do along the way.

And remember: don’t be afraid to change your goals if you need to!

You can always modify your plan as time passes or circumstances change.

Need extra motivation?

Learn how top leaders overcome that feeling blah and unmotivated here now.


You can set goals for yourself to achieve in the new year, and you’ll feel better about yourself.

You’ll also be able to take control of your life and make things better for yourself.

Best of all?

You won’t have any regrets!


Never give up.

You can have it all and you can have it now!

This post was all about new years resolutions.
