This post is all about online workshop.

Online Workshop

Technology has been a game-changer for businesses, and the coaching industry is no exception. With the rise of remote work and digital technologies, more and more people are turning to online workshops to build their skills and improve their careers.

To be honest, I love meeting with people for lunches and coffee dates (even though I never get a coffee and always prefer juice or water haha)…

I love connecting on a deeper level and sharing stories time after time but that is not realistic.

With so much to do, you try to decide what meetings are the most important to take. Makes sense to get picky right?


If you are being too selective, you are pre-judging your prospects and your potential clients.

You are deciding who wants, needs, and can afford your products/services.

Sure.. doing so might save you some time but it is costing you millions.

You should meet with 100% of those who want to meet with you.

Before you think I lost my marbles and don’t have a relatable schedule remember this…

People don’t buy from businesses, they buy from people.

Therefore, you as a person need to be present and add value 24/7 in order to succeed.

OK… now that I have you sweating and texting your bestie about how annoying I am, let’s clear up one thing…

I never said you had to meet with them in person. 😉

Here is the thing…

No matter how good you are or even if you are Oprah or Taylor Swift, you just won’t close 100% of sales.

The process is the process. You have to go through some no’s so that you can approach a high value YES.

The problem is that if out of 100 coffee chats, only ten buy your $2,000 package… sure you just made $20,000 but it took 90 rejections and painful smiling to get there.

What if you were rejected by 90 people from your coffee chats and the last 10 were those ideal customers?

Would you make it past 10 or 20 people/rejections? Would you start thinking that those coffee dates are a waste of time?

Check out how my client made $2,000 on her first webinar:


But what if 100 people saw a video and only 10 bought. Much better right?

That is the equivalent of ONE coffee chat working for you over and over again. Suddenly the rejection of 90 people seems to almost not exist.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of strategy, a lot of people are trapped at their local coffee shop meeting with people endlessly because they feel they have no other choice and don’t have an automated system that helps them bring in thousands in sales.

You can finally enjoy networking again without all the pressure.

You can be authentic, genuine, and fully present as you scale your business.

Let me show you how to scale your business without burning out so that you can work smart, never go to a coffee chat unless you sincerely wanted to, and all without a big team!

I built this same system myself and it helped me attract clients in over 20 countries and most live nowhere near any coffee shops I have visited.

You can do this too.

You can be fully present and meet with everyone without holding back.

That means that you can add a ton of value whether people buy from you or not -thanks to this system and finally get back to overdelivering to your clients again.

Freedom isn’t free. Let me show you how I created mine- click here for the free class now. (Also you can see a perfect example of me practicing what I preach in this blog post all about how to leverage an online workshop for yourself)

As a coach, you can leverage this trend to grow your business and reach a wider audience.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can create and host a successful online workshop to take your coaching business to the next level.

  1. Choose the Right Platform

The first step in hosting an online workshop is to choose the right platform. There are many options available, including Zoom, WebinarJam, and GoToWebinar, each with its own set of features and benefits.

Consider factors such as ease of use, audio and video quality, and security when selecting a platform. Also think about:

  1. Reliability: Ensure the platform is stable, secure and has a good uptime record.
  2. User-friendliness: Look for a platform that is easy to use and navigate, with a user-friendly interface.
  3. Video and audio quality: Choose a platform that supports high-quality video and audio to ensure a seamless experience for participants.
  4. Interactivity features: Look for features such as real-time chat, polls, and Q&A to keep participants engaged and interact with each other.
  5. Scalability: Consider the platform’s ability to accommodate a large number of attendees, as well as its ability to handle traffic spikes.
  6. Integration: Check if the platform integrates with other tools and platforms you already use, such as email marketing platforms or project management tools.
  7. Pricing: Consider the platform’s pricing, including any additional features you may need and the cost of scaling up as your audience grows.
  8. Customer support: Choose a platform that offers excellent customer support, including live chat and email support. Click here to learn about more business tools. 
  1. Define Your Target Audience

To create an effective online workshop, you need to know who your target audience is. This will help you tailor your content and marketing efforts to attract the right people.

Consider factors such as age, profession, and interests when defining your target audience. Some more tips include:

  1. Identify your topic: Determine what your online workshop is about and what problem it solves.
  2. Determine your target audience: Consider the demographic, interests, and pain points of the people you want to reach.
  3. Conduct market research: Use surveys, social media analytics, and Google Trends to gather information about your target audience.
  4. Define your ideal customer: Create a buyer persona by combining the information you’ve gathered from your market research.
  5. Evaluate your audience’s needs and preferences: Determine what type of content, format, and delivery method your target audience prefers.
  6. Adapt to your audience: Modify your online workshop to meet the needs and preferences of your target audience.
  1. Create Compelling Content

Once you have chosen your platform and target audience, it’s time to create compelling content for your online workshop.

Use interactive activities, multimedia elements, and engaging examples to keep your audience engaged and focused.

Also, make sure to incorporate opportunities for participants to ask questions and receive feedback.

  1. Offer a taste: Provide a preview of your paid services by offering a condensed version of your workshop content.
  2. Focus on a specific aspect: Choose a narrow topic within your service offerings and create content around that aspect.
  3. Share tips and tricks: Offer valuable tips and tricks related to your services without giving away your entire process or approach.
  4. Highlight the benefits: Emphasize the benefits of your services and how they can help participants solve a specific problem.
  5. Showcase case studies: Share real-life examples of how your services have helped others to illustrate the value they offer.
  6. Ask for feedback: Encourage participants to provide feedback on what they liked and what they would like to see in your paid services.
  7. Offer exclusive content: Provide exclusive content that is only available to workshop attendees as an incentive for them to sign up for your paid services.
  8. Offer discounts: Offer a discount on your paid services to workshop attendees as an incentive for them to sign up. If you are launching, click here for launch tips.
  1. Promote Your Workshop

To reach as many people as possible, you need to promote your workshop effectively. Utilize social media, email marketing, and paid advertising to spread the word about your workshop.

Be sure to provide clear and detailed information about the workshop, including the date, time, and platform.

  1. Host the Online Workshop

Finally, it’s time to host your online workshop. Make sure to prepare in advance by testing your equipment and platform, and creating an outline for your presentation.

During the workshop, be engaging, responsive, and professional. After the workshop, follow up with participants to get their feedback and provide any additional resources or information they may need.

Here are some tips to host your online workshop even if you are nervous about presenting or if you suffer from imposter syndrome from time to time:

  1. Prepare thoroughly: Research your topic and make sure you have a clear understanding of what you want to cover.
  2. Practice, practice, practice: Rehearse your presentation several times until you feel confident and comfortable.
  3. Use visual aids: Use slides, graphics, or videos to help illustrate your points and keep participants engaged.
  4. Focus on your audience: Remember why you’re hosting the workshop and what you want to achieve for your participants.
  5. Embrace your personality: Be yourself and let your unique personality shine through.
  6. Breathe and relax: Take deep breaths, stretch, or do some light exercise before starting your workshop to help you feel calm and relaxed.
  7. Be open to feedback: Ask for feedback from a trusted friend or colleague before the workshop and be open to constructive criticism.
  8. Emphasize the value: Focus on the value that you bring to the workshop and the positive impact that it will have on your participants.
  9. Believe in yourself: Trust in your expertise, knowledge, and experience, and remember that you were chosen to host the workshop for a reason. Click here to learn all about webinars.

Overall, hosting an online workshop is a great way to leverage technology for a profitable coaching business.

By choosing the right platform, defining your target audience, creating compelling content, promoting your workshop, and hosting it professionally, you can reach a wider audience and grow your business.

Good luck!


You can have it all and you can have it now!

Your favorite lady boss,
Ilean Harris

This post was all about online workshop.
