This post is all about the ultimate guide to find coaching clients.

the ultimate guide to find coaching clients

Are you struggling to find clients for your coaching business?

Wouldn’t it be great if clients were hunting you down, ready & willing to work with you?


I’ve seen lots of talented coaches go far too long without filling up their programs because they do not know how to market their services properly.

It is your job to get your message to your customers and let them know who you are.

One of the first steps to getting more clients is to STOP getting in your own way by:

  • Undercharging (They will wonder what is it so inexpensive and doubt your skills)
  • Undervaluing your time (not showing up for yourself and stepping up your game)
  • Lack of clarity (if you market to everyone you market to no one)
  • Lack of structure (pitching random programs on strategy calls hoping you close anyone on anything)
  • Overworking (Running a business in a way that is guaranteed to burn you out)

You can’t go right if you keep turning left.

It’s time that you break through and learn exactly how to crush it online so that you can grow your dream business.

I have helped clients in over 20 countries and in over 100 niches and today I am excited I get to help on your journey too!

In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step approach to finding coaching clients, including strategies to promote your business on social media, launch webinars, and follow up with potential clients through email marketing.

The Ultimate Guide to Find Coaching Clients: A Step-by-Step Approach

Step 1: Define Your Ideal Client

Before you start looking for coaching clients, you need to have a clear understanding of who your ideal client is. This means thinking about the specific problems that your coaching services can solve for them and determining who would benefit the most from your services.

For example, if you are a career coach, your ideal client might be recent college graduates who are struggling to find a job in their field. Or, if you are a health coach, your ideal client might be busy professionals who are looking to improve their diet and fitness.

Once you have identified your ideal client, you can start developing marketing strategies that are targeted specifically to them.

Step 2: Build Your Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential to finding coaching clients. This means having a professional website that showcases your services and expertise, creating social media accounts, and starting a blog to establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Your website should be clean, professional, and easy to navigate. It should clearly communicate your coaching services and provide potential clients with a way to contact you. You may also want to include client testimonials or case studies to demonstrate the results that you have achieved with previous clients.

Click here for more social media marketing tips.

Social media is also an important tool for promoting your coaching business and attracting potential clients. Determine which social media platforms your ideal clients are most active on and create engaging content that speaks to their needs and interests. For example, if you are a business coach, you may want to create LinkedIn posts that offer tips for improving productivity or growing a business.

online workshop

Step 3: Promote Your Business on Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your coaching business and attracting potential clients. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Use hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts. For example, if you are a health coach, you could use hashtags like #healthylifestyle or #fitnessmotivation.
  • Target your advertising to reach your ideal client. For example, if you are a life coach targeting busy professionals, you may want to use Facebook ads to target individuals who work in high-stress jobs.
  • Engage with your followers by responding to comments and direct messages. This helps to build relationships and establish trust with potential clients.

Click here for social media marketing tips.

Step 4: Launch Webinars to Attract Potential Clients

Webinars are a powerful way to attract potential clients and establish yourself as an expert in your field. Here are a few tips for launching a successful webinar:

  • Choose a topic that is related to your coaching services and that will provide value to potential clients. For example, if you are a wellness coach, you could develop a webinar on healthy eating habits or stress management techniques.
  • Promote your webinar on your website, social media, and email marketing campaigns to attract potential clients. You may also want to partner with other businesses or influencers in your industry to reach a wider audience.
  • Use the webinar to showcase your expertise and provide value to potential clients. This can help to establish trust and credibility, making it more likely that they will consider your coaching services in the future.

Click here for more launch tips.

Step 5: Follow Up with Email Marketing

Following up with potential clients through email marketing is an effective way to convert leads into paying clients. Here are a few tips for creating a successful email marketing campaign:

  • Develop a lead magnet, such as a free ebook or checklist, to entice potential clients to sign up for your email list.
  • Send regular newsletters and promotional emails that provide value to your subscribers and promote your coaching services. For example, if you are a business coach, you could send an email newsletter with tips for improving productivity or growing a business.
  • Use segmentation to target your emails to specific groups of subscribers. For example, if you have different coaching packages for different types of clients, you can segment your email list accordingly and send targeted emails to each group.

When following up with potential clients, be sure to personalize your emails and provide value. Avoid sending generic sales pitches and focus on building a relationship with your subscribers.

Overall, finding coaching clients requires a combination of targeted marketing strategies and a strong online presence.

By defining your ideal client, building your online presence, using social media to promote your business, launching webinars to attract potential clients, and following up with email marketing, you can create a steady stream of leads and convert them into paying clients.

Remember to focus on providing value and building relationships with your potential clients, and the rest will fall into place.

How to find coaching clients on social media

Social media is a powerful tool for finding coaching clients.

Here are some strategies to use:

  1. Post regularly: Consistency is key when it comes to social media. Post daily or at least a few times a week, and make sure your content is relevant to your target audience. Share valuable tips, inspirational quotes, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your coaching business.
  2. Blog for business: Blogging is a great way to showcase your expertise and drive traffic to your website. Write blog posts on topics related to your coaching niche and share them on social media. This will help establish you as an authority in your field and attract potential clients to your website. Click here to learn more about blogging for business.
  3. Use video: Video is a powerful medium for engaging your audience and building trust. Consider creating short videos in which you share tips or answer common questions related to your coaching niche. You can share these videos on social media and your website to attract potential clients.
  4. Engage with your audience: Social media is a two-way street, so make sure you’re engaging with your audience. Respond to comments, answer questions, and thank people for sharing your content. This will help build relationships with your followers and attract potential clients to your coaching business.
  5. Use hashtags: Hashtags can help increase the visibility of your posts on social media. Use relevant hashtags related to your coaching niche to attract potential clients who are interested in the same topics.

Social media can be a powerful tool for finding coaching clients. By posting regularly, blogging for business, using video, engaging with your audience, and using hashtags, you can establish yourself as an authority in your coaching niche and attract potential clients to your business.

Remember to be consistent, provide value, and build relationships with your followers, and you’ll be well on your way to finding coaching clients on social media.

It’s time that you have clients chasing you down excited to work with you!

If you are ready to serve others, change lives, and live your purpose in the process then I can help you.

This post was all about the ultimate guide to find coaching clients.
